Internet, videojuegos y videoconsolas en el Tablón de anuncios de hoy 14-09-2015

Periódicamente os traemos lo que se ha publicado en el Tablón de Anuncios relacionado con Internet, videojuegos y videoconsolas

Tablón de Anuncios

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Noticias de Internet hoy 14-09-2015

Apple’s iPad Pro is the best illustration of the new Microsoft

WinBetaApple's iPad Pro is the best illustration of the new MicrosoftApple had barely finished introducing its new iPad Pro tablet when Microsoft jumped on stage. Yes, Microsoft on stage at an Apple event. You'd have to return to the days of Bill Gates rescuing Apple or announcing Internet Explorer and Office for Mac to …
Ampliar información en The Verge

Apple Loop: iPhone 6S Wins The Internet, Apple’s Crowdsourced …

Apple Loop: iPhone 6S Wins The Internet, Apple's Crowdsourced …
Ampliar información en Forbes

Apple TV to challenge Sony and Microsoft as a gaming device

Apple is poised to begin its big push into the living room with a new version of its internet television box designed to challenge Sony and Microsoft with advanced gaming features. City sources with links to Apple's supply chain in the Far East (Kuala …
Ampliar información en Yahoo Finance UK

Apple. Cuando la comunicación descansa en la innovación y el …

También fue introducido un teclado que se convierte en funda, como el de la tableta Surface, de Microsoft. Apple también presentó una nueva Apple TV, …
Ampliar información en El Universal

Next week, Apple could finally succeed where Microsoft has failed …

At the time, Microsoft was riding high off the massive success of Windows 95. Gates had recently identified the Internet as the world-changing force it would soon prove itself to be, and he wanted Microsoft, and by extension, Microsoft Windows, to be a …
Ampliar información en Business Insider