Noticias de Internet hoy 23-01-2017

EE. UU.: boom de inversiones en las empresas high tech

Esta es la primera vez en la historia de Wall Street en que las 5 principales compañías de mayor nivel de capitalización son todas high tech (Apple, Alphabet/Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook), y han dejado atrás a las firmas energéticas (ExxonMobil …
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Samsung Bixby Likely To Be More Powerful Than Apple Siri or …

An example would be that users will be able to point their camera at any item and then Bixby can identify the object, search the internet, and then purchase the item via a single command. Another use could be for Bixby to become a built-in digital …
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Google, Apple, Microsoft: EU-Kommission will Datenschutz bei …

BrüsselDie EU-Kommission will die Rechte von Internet-Nutzern bei Online-Werbung stärken. Künftig sollten die Anbieter von Internetbrowsern wie Google, Microsoft oder Apple nicht mehr automatisch Werbung zulassen dürfen, die auf den Verbraucher …
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Mozilla: The internet is unhealthy and urgently needs your help

Mozilla argues that the internet's decentralized design is under threat by a few key players, including Google, Facebook, Apple, Tencent, Alibaba and Amazon, monopolizing messaging, commerce, and search. Image: Google. Much of the internet is in a …
Ampliar información en ZDNet

Bourse : la course aux 1.000 milliards d’Apple, Microsoft et Amazon

Bourse : la course aux 1.000 milliards d'Apple, Microsoft et AmazonPour l'analyste, Microsoft, numéro trois mondial en capitalisation, pourrait voler la vedette à Apple, Google et consorts grâce au rachat récent de LinkedIn, le leader des réseaux sociaux professionnels. D'abord, parce que …
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