Noticias de Internet hoy 27-02-2017

Satya Nadella spent a week trying to convince India that Microsoft …

Tech TimesFacebook's offering to give India free internet was eventually scrapped over net neutrality concerns but the tech giant came back with a plan B: Express Wi-Fi, a program that allows customers to purchase low-cost data packages to access …
Ampliar información en Quartz

Férov?j?í cloud? Apple, Microsoft a Amazon m?ní podmínky

Apple, konkrétn? jeho sou?ást Apple Distribution International, zase zákazník?m dá 30 dní na opravu ?nemateriálních? (?ím? firma z?ejm? myslí finance) poru?ení smluvních podmínek, ne? jim smlouvu vypoví. Také jim umo?ní do 14 dní po obnovení smlouvy …
Ampliar información en Computerworld

Apple iPad Pro 2 News & Features: Next-Generation Tablet Better …

Apple iPad Pro 2 News & Features: Next-Generation Tablet Better …
Ampliar información en Droid Report

Apple slams PCs in new iPad Pro ad campaign

Ergo, Apple concludes, it's better than a computer. Another ad boasts specifically about the LTE facility, which means that "you can get internet pretty much anywhere." The next ad has a word you never thought you'd hear in an Apple ad: "Microsoft." It …
Ampliar información en CNET

Samsung bets on tablets — at a time no one’s buying them

Samsung bets on tablets — at a time no one's buying themThe South Korean electronics giant is hoping its two new devices — the 9.7-inch, Android-based Tab S3 and the 10- and 12-inch Microsoft Windows-powered Galaxy Book — dazzle customers who want tablets that can do more than play movies and browse the …
Ampliar información en CNET

Noticias de Internet hoy 20-02-2017

Vivimos bajo el control de una especie de Imperio de la Vigilancia

Veinticinco años después, la Red está a punto de sufrir una violenta centralización en torno a ciertas colosales empresas privadas: las GAFAM (Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft), todas estadounidenses, que, a escala planetaria, acaparan las …
Ampliar información en CubaDebate

Apple, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Twitter y Uber en contra de …

CIUDAD DE MÉXICO.- Apple, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Twitter, Uber y otras 91 empresas tecnológicas firmaron una apelación contra el decreto antiinmigración ordenado por el presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump. Las compañías que rubrican …
Ampliar información en Periódico Expreso

Apple slams PCs in new iPad Pro ad campaign

Ergo, Apple concludes, it's better than a computer. Another ad boasts specifically about the LTE facility, which means that "you can get internet pretty much anywhere." The next ad has a word you never thought you'd hear in an Apple ad: "Microsoft." It …
Ampliar información en CNET

Apple es la empresa más admirada del mundo: Fortune

Debajo de Apple se colocaron Amazon (Servicios de Internet y Retailing), Starbucks (Servicios de Comida), Berkshire Hathaway (Seguros: Propiedad y Accidentes) y Disney (Entretenimiento) en los primeros cinco lugares. Facebook y Microsoft empataron en …
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Tim Cook’s ‘Ballmer-ization’ Of Apple

Tim Cook's 'Ballmer-ization' Of AppleMicrosoft gave users office automation, databases and all the basic work tools. And when the internet came along Microsoft connected everyone with Internet Explorer – for free! Microsoft created a platform with Windows upon which hordes of developers …
Ampliar información en Forbes

Noticias de Internet hoy 13-02-2017

Apple, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Twitter y Uber en contra de …

CIUDAD DE MÉXICO.- Apple, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Twitter, Uber y otras 91 empresas tecnológicas firmaron una apelación contra el decreto antiinmigración ordenado por el presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump. Las compañías que rubrican …
Ampliar información en Periódico Expreso

The recipe for Apple Pie: How and why Apple is taking charge of its …

The likes of Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud underpin many of the apps and services we rely on, but they're designed such that users barely notice they're doing anything at all. Currently, Apple uses cloud services …
Ampliar información en Digital Trends

Denmark to appoint ambassador to Google, Apple and Microsoft

Danish Foreign Minister Anders Samuelsen will appoint an 'ambassador' to global tech giants such as Google, Apple, IBM and Microsoft. "These companies have become a kind of new nations, which we have to deal with," Foreign Minister Samuelsen told …
Ampliar información en SBS

Editorial: Why Apple ignores so much pundit innovation advice

Microsoft's big outlay was forced higher because everyone knew about Skype and already perceived it as having value. Microsoft likes to brag about how much "market share" Skype has among internet calls, but doesn't really talk about how much profit …
Ampliar información en AppleInsider (press release) (blog)

Google, Apple, Facebook and Microsoft draft a joint letter opposing …

Alphabet, Apple, Facebook, Microsoft, Uber and Stripe, along with a consumer packaged goods company and others, have been working together on a letter opposing U.S. President Trump's travel ban, according to sources. Tech companies are leading the …
Ampliar información en Recode

Noticias de Internet hoy 06-02-2017

Estas son las 10 marcas más valiosas del mundo

Así. Google se sitúa como número uno en valor económico sobre todo porque sus beneficios por publicidad ascendieron un 20% en 2016. Detrás de Google, completando el top 10 a nivel mundial se ubicaron Apple, Amazon, AT&T, Microsoft, Samsung, …
Ampliar información en RPP Noticias

Apple Loop: Disappointing iPhone 8 Leaks, Surface Pro 4 Beats …

Taking a look back at another week of news from Cupertino, this week's Apple Loop includes wireless charging on the iPhone 8, a familiar OLED screen, MacBooks putting Intel on notice, Surface Pro 4 vs iPad Pro, iOS 10.2.1 problems, Apple's quarterly …
Ampliar información en Forbes

Google, Apple, Facebook and Microsoft draft a joint letter opposing …

Alphabet, Apple, Facebook, Microsoft, Uber and Stripe, along with a consumer packaged goods company and others, have been working together on a letter opposing U.S. President Trump's travel ban, according to sources. Tech companies are leading the …
Ampliar información en Recode

Google’s new Chromebooks pick a school yard fight with Microsoft …

Google's new Chromebooks pick a school yard fight with Microsoft …
Ampliar información en CNET

Facebook, Google, Apple Lead US Business Charge Against Trump …

While the complete list of companies planning to sign the letter is unclear, FORBES has learned that the Internet Association, a Washington D.C.-based trade group representing dozens of Silicon Valley's biggest names, is helping to spearhead the effort …
Ampliar información en Forbes