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Noticias de Internet hoy 02-04-2018

Why Apple, Microsoft are healthier than Facebook

In reality, Apple collects more information about its customers than Facebook as it offers more products and services. It knows everything from an iPhone's location to its owner's taste in movies and music. It's all in the company's privacy statement …
Ampliar información en Economic Times

La guerra fría entre las industrias de China y Estados Unidos empeora

Los llamó los ?ocho guerreros guardianes? ?Apple, Cisco, Google, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, Oracle y Qualcomm? y eran las firmas que habían podido ?entrar sin problemas en China?, de acuerdo con el artículo, mientras Huawei y otro fabricante chino de …
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Silicon Valley companies warm to Trump as they reap economic …

(Amazon said it had saved $789-million under the tax law Trump signed.) The President is also expected to sign legislation, passed by the Senate last week, that would strengthen policing of sex trafficking online ? a bill that internet companies once …
Ampliar información en The Globe and Mail

Why Apple should fire Siri and hire Cortana

It's there for everyone to use, but I don't think the desktop operating system UX lends itself well to voice integration. It's really meant for a hands-free type of interaction on a mobile device or a smart speaker. Despite its bolt-on status on the …
Ampliar información en ZDNet

El monopolio GAFA

Google realiza cerca del 92 por ciento de las búsquedas en Internet, un mercado valuado en más de 92.000 millones de dólares. Por posiciones dominantes mucho menores otras empresas fueron obligadas a dividirse o cesar con prácticas que dificultan la …
Ampliar información en Agencia Fe

Internet, videojuegos y videoconsolas en el Tablón de anuncios de hoy 01-04-2018

Periódicamente os traemos lo que se ha publicado en el Tablón de Anuncios relacionado con Internet, videojuegos y videoconsolas

Tablón de Anuncios

Si necesitas alguna otra cosa, encontrarás muchas más cosas relacionadas con Internet, videojuegos y videoconsolas en Y si lo que quieres es vender o anunciar algo, puedes poner tu anuncio totalmente gratis

Noticias de Internet hoy 26-03-2018

Estadounidenses confían menos en Facebook que en sus rivales …

La encuesta realizada entre miércoles y viernes también halló que los estadounidenses que confían en Facebook son menos que los que lo hacen en otras compañías que recopilan datos de usuarios como Apple Inc, Yahoo, Alphabet Inc, Inc …
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‘Big Tech’: 5 Giant Online Companies In Different Businesses

'Big Tech': 5 Giant Online Companies In Different BusinessesPublic concern about Facebook's power in society ? and in politics ? has skyrocketed in the wake of revelations that users' data was analysed by a United Kingdom (UK)-based marketing firm and used to construct highly targeted political propaganda in …
Ampliar información en The Quint

‘Big Tech’ isn’t one big monopoly

'Big Tech' isn't one big monopolyPublic concern about Facebook's power in society ? and in politics ? has skyrocketed in the wake of revelations that users' data was analysed by a UK-based marketing firm and used to construct highly targeted political propaganda in advance of the …
Ampliar información en TechCentral

Apple event to focus on education hardware, software

Bloomberg is reporting the Apple's event may be part of an move to regain lost ground in the classroom. Apple share of the kindergarten to Grade 12 market is only 17 percent, which is slightly behind Microsoft and massively behind Android tablets and …
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Apple plans to release its cheapest iPad yet next week in bid to …

A cheaper iPad could be a smart strategy for Apple as more and more students have become budget-conscious with their devices. Apple may release a few other new products in addition to the iPad. Some have speculated that Apple will introduce a wireless …
Ampliar información en Daily Mail

Noticias de Internet hoy 19-03-2018

When Apple and Microsoft Want to Advertise on Social Media, They …

The company has grown to roughly 30 employees, who work to connect their network of more than 1,300 social-media stars with brands including Apple, Crayola, Microsoft, and the NBA. "Back in 2014, influencer marketing was a space that the big boys weren …
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France’s Finance Minister Sues Tech Giants Apple And Google

France's Finance Minister Sues Tech Giants Apple And GoogleI just want to ask the same to the Internet giants, either Google, Apple, Microsoft or Amazon. These companies are mostly welcome in France and in Europe. They are creating a lot of jobs in France and in Europe. But they have to pay their due taxes …
Ampliar información en NPR

Highway zum Internet

Es dauerte noch wenige Jahre und dann gelang das ja auch: Das Internet veränderte die ganze Welt und besonders natürlich die Gegend zwischen San Francisco und San José. Wo Libby einst im Farmland die weltweit größte Fabrik für Dörrpflaumen betrieb …
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Can Spotify and Dropbox finally prove that tech is a sound investment?

Dropbox, meanwhile, was valued at $10bn when it last raised capital in 2014, but that has been slashed to between $7bn and $8bn for its forthcoming IPO, which is intended to raise about $610m. Steve Jobs was famously dismissive of the company: in a …
Ampliar información en The Guardian

Using blockchain to secure the ‘internet of things’

Using blockchain to secure the 'internet of things'Because they'll all be online all the time, each of those devices ? whether a voice-recognition personal assistant or a pay-by-phone parking meter or a temperature sensor deep in an industrial robot ? will be vulnerable to a cyberattack and could even …
Ampliar información en The Conversation US

Noticias de Internet hoy 12-03-2018

Using Blockchain to Secure the «Internet of Things»

Scientific AmericanUsing Blockchain to Secure the "Internet of Things" – Scientific …
Ampliar información en Scientific … – Scientific American

Internet’s inventor: Regulate Big Tech platforms

Internet's inventor: Regulate Big Tech platformsThese companies, along with Amazon, Apple and Microsoft, also have amassed an enormous amount of personal data from their users, helping to seal their competitive advantage, Berners-Lee says ? echoing concerns raised by some policymakers on both sides …
Ampliar información en Axios

How the top five US tech giants made their money in 2017

With combined revenues of almost $650 billion and a joint market capitalisation of $3 trillion, Apple, Google (Alphabet), Facebook, Microsoft, Amazon and Facebook dominate the internet. A new 221-page report from Statista, titled Digital Economy …
Ampliar información en Which-50 (blog)

Using blockchain to secure the ‘internet of things’

Using blockchain to secure the 'internet of things'Because they'll all be online all the time, each of those devices ? whether a voice-recognition personal assistant or a pay-by-phone parking meter or a temperature sensor deep in an industrial robot ? will be vulnerable to a cyberattack and could even …
Ampliar información en The Conversation US

«Eine Polizei, die sich auf Microsoft standardisiert, betreibt Daten …

"Eine Polizei, die sich auf Microsoft standardisiert, betreibt Daten …
Ampliar información en Sü

Noticias de Internet hoy 05-03-2018

OPINIÓN: La transformación digital, fundamental en el modelo de …

(Expansión) ? La era de internet y el big data ha traído consigo grandes retos para las empresas. Hoy en día, la transformación digital está en el centro de gran parte de los planes de negocio y es que las compañías más valiosas en el mundo tienen …
Ampliar información en Expansión MX

Microsoft’s Supreme Court Case Has Big Implications For Data

Microsoft's Supreme Court Case Has Big Implications For DataBut it didn't give the government the actual content of the individual's emails, because they were stored at a Microsoft data center in Dublin, Ireland, where the subject said he lived when he signed up for his Outlook account. In a case that begins …
Ampliar información en WIRED

Someone is wrong on the internet: Taxes, leverage and the ?ratchet …

Companies like Apple, Microsoft and Alphabet have already been returning that offshore cash pile to shareholders. They have been returning it synthetically, by issuing bonds against foreign profits they had reinvested overseas ( mostly in dollar …
Ampliar información en Financial Times

How Google plans to beat Apple at its own game

Rick Osterloh's second stint at Google has been happier than his first. Six years ago, when he first joined the company, it was amid one of the most disastrous acquisitions in its history. In 2012, Google spent $12.5bn (£9bn) on Motorola Mobility, the …
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Bill Gates dice que las criptomonedas ‘causan muertes’

Bill Gates dice que las criptomonedas 'causan muertes'Además, el cofundador de Apple, Steve Wozniak admitió en estos días que fue víctima de una estafa con bitcoins en Internet. Esto nos deja con un mal sabor sobre la seguridad del dinero. Esto, incluso, en manos de un genio de la computación como Wozniak …
Ampliar información en ENTER.CO

Internet, videojuegos y videoconsolas en el Tablón de anuncios de hoy 01-03-2018

Periódicamente os traemos lo que se ha publicado en el Tablón de Anuncios relacionado con Internet, videojuegos y videoconsolas

Tablón de Anuncios

Si necesitas alguna otra cosa, encontrarás muchas más cosas relacionadas con Internet, videojuegos y videoconsolas en Y si lo que quieres es vender o anunciar algo, puedes poner tu anuncio totalmente gratis

Noticias de Internet hoy 26-02-2018

Supreme Court to hear high-stakes Microsoft case testing email …

Smith wrote in a blog post in October. Microsoft argues that the legislation the government is relying on, the Stored Communications Act of 1986, is too old and outdated to apply to modern internet infrastructure or cloud computing. Microsoft, Apple …
Ampliar información en CNNMoney

El navegador Microsoft Edge llegará al iPad este mes

CNET en Español – CNET en …
Ampliar información en CNET en … – CNET en Español

Microsoft announces new product: The Zune

Microsoft entered the nascent MP3 player market Friday morning by announcing the Zune, a portable media player designed to compete with longtime industry titan Apple. The device was unveiled at the end of a news conference at Microsoft headquarters …
Ampliar información en Campus Times

Ex-Apple, Microsoft engineers tackle security cameras for cars

Business InsiderIn an interview with , CEO Andy Hodge, part of the original team behind the Apple iPod, said that internet-connected security cameras for the home, such as Alphabet Inc's Nest Cam, which he also helped create the first version of, have become …
Ampliar información en Reuters

Dow, Stock Indexes Reverse As Apple Turns Red; Bitcoin Slumps

Apple, Microsoft (MSFT), Amazon and other big-cap techs top a growth fund that's managed to stay a few steps ahead of the broad market. IShares Core S&P U.S. Growth (IUSG) remains in a potential buy zone from last week's recovery of and ensuing move …
Ampliar información en Investor’s Business Daily

Noticias de Internet hoy 19-02-2018

Amazon supera a Microsoft en valor de mercado

Amazon se convirtió en la tercera empresa más valiosa del mundo, según informaciones de The Seattle Times y los analistas predicen que en el corto plazo sera la primera. La compañía, que ahora cuenta con un valor de mercado de 702.500 millones de …
Ampliar información en TyN Magazine

El navegador Microsoft Edge llegará al iPad este mes

CNET en Español – CNET en …
Ampliar información en CNET en … – CNET en Español

Asistentes virtuales, una tendencia que podría reemplazar a los …

Desde hace algún tiempo ya es posible preguntarle con tu propia voz a tu teléfono dónde hay un restaurante cerca de ti o cómo está el tráfico; esto es posible gracias a los asistentes virtuales desarrollados por Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Google y …
Ampliar información en Dinero en imagen (blog)

Ex-Apple, Microsoft engineers tackle security cameras for cars

Business InsiderIn an interview with , CEO Andy Hodge, part of the original team behind the Apple iPod, said that internet-connected security cameras for the home, such as Alphabet Inc's Nest Cam, which he also helped create the first version of, have become …
Ampliar información en Reuters

Pelirrojos, peinados afro y pelados: estos son algunos de los …

Los emojis fueron creados por Shigetaka Kurita para la operadora japonesa NTT DoCoMo, que buscaba utilizar símbolos en reemplazo de texto para el limitado espacio que tenía su servicio de mensajería por Internet móvil. Para su lanzamiento en 1999 eran …
Ampliar información en LA NACION (Argentina)

Noticias de Internet hoy 12-02-2018

Apple HomePod is already losing the smart speaker battle

Apple has finally followed Amazon, Google and Microsoft by launching a smart speaker with a voice-controlled artificial intelligence assistant. Yet even though the ?HomePod? is another technological marvel, there's a chance Apple is already losing the …
Ampliar información en The Conversation UK

La jugada que pondría a Amazon por sobre Microsoft en valor de …

El crecimiento explosivo de Amazon en ventas minoristas y en la nube ha disparado sus acciones en un 77% frente al año pasado, sobrepasando el alza de 42% de Microsoft. quedó el miércoles cerca de cerrar por primera vez una rueda bursátil …
Ampliar información en AméricaEconomí

El navegador Microsoft Edge llegará al iPad este mes

Microsoft Edge, que sustituye a Internet Explorer en Windows 10, llegará pronto al iPad. Microsoft. Microsoft Edge llegará al iPad más pronto de lo que canta un gallo? pero no cantes victoria. Sean Lyndersay, uno de los encargados del navegador …
Ampliar información en CNET en Español

Die große Korrektur der Digital-Aktien: Apple, Google, Microsoft …

Dramatische Kursturbulenzen an der Wall Street: In der wildesten Handelswoche seit der Finanzkrise 2008/9 mussten Tech- und Internetaktien mitunter schwere Verluste einstecken, ehe Schnäppchenjäger am Freitag den Schaden begrenzten. Bis auf Microsoft …
Ampliar información en Meedia

Ex-Apple, Microsoft engineers tackle security cameras for cars

Business InsiderIn an interview with , CEO Andy Hodge, part of the original team behind the Apple iPod, said that internet-connected security cameras for the home, such as Alphabet Inc's Nest Cam, which he also helped create the first version of, have become …
Ampliar información en Reuters