Noticias de Internet hoy 02-04-2018

Why Apple, Microsoft are healthier than Facebook

In reality, Apple collects more information about its customers than Facebook as it offers more products and services. It knows everything from an iPhone's location to its owner's taste in movies and music. It's all in the company's privacy statement …
Ampliar información en Economic Times

La guerra fría entre las industrias de China y Estados Unidos empeora

Los llamó los ?ocho guerreros guardianes? ?Apple, Cisco, Google, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, Oracle y Qualcomm? y eran las firmas que habían podido ?entrar sin problemas en China?, de acuerdo con el artículo, mientras Huawei y otro fabricante chino de …
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Silicon Valley companies warm to Trump as they reap economic …

(Amazon said it had saved $789-million under the tax law Trump signed.) The President is also expected to sign legislation, passed by the Senate last week, that would strengthen policing of sex trafficking online ? a bill that internet companies once …
Ampliar información en The Globe and Mail

Why Apple should fire Siri and hire Cortana

It's there for everyone to use, but I don't think the desktop operating system UX lends itself well to voice integration. It's really meant for a hands-free type of interaction on a mobile device or a smart speaker. Despite its bolt-on status on the …
Ampliar información en ZDNet

El monopolio GAFA

Google realiza cerca del 92 por ciento de las búsquedas en Internet, un mercado valuado en más de 92.000 millones de dólares. Por posiciones dominantes mucho menores otras empresas fueron obligadas a dividirse o cesar con prácticas que dificultan la …
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